

                  | S I T U |
| P H O T O |                

P h o t o g r a p h i c
a n d
l i t e r a r y   d r i f t s


Paris 14th

“Around the neighborhood, around its fleeting and threatened immobility
spread a half-known city where people met only by chance,
lost their way without return.”

(Guy Debord)




Tourcoing (59)

“Then he went out into the cold streets and the sirens began to howl.”
(Guy Debord)




Lorient (56)

“It was a drift of long days, where nothing resembled the day before,
and which never stopped.”

(Guy Debord)




Audresselles (62)

“The palace of other days
Of yesterday and tomorrow”
(Noir Désir)




Bétheny (51)

“A reified historical becoming whose internal dynamics continue
to feed determinations that self-reproduce."

(Sasha Lipovsky)




Boulogne-sur-Mer (62)

The erratic wandering of facade's convergences.




Paris 9th

"The present moment is already that of the self-destruction of the urban environment."
(Guy Debord)




Paris 19th

"These urban disasters have in reality, as their only function,
to make disembodied and interconnected territories profitable."

(Thierry Paquot)




Ivry-sur-Seine (94)

« The irrepressible desire for another life is already that life. »
(Raoul Vaneigem)




Paris 13th

"Talk to me about forms, I really need worry."
(Paul Éluard)




Paris 13th

"So empty, to scream, to scream."
(Guy Debord)




Paris 13th

"The totalitarian tendency of the organization of life by modern capitalism.
(Guy Debord)




Montreuil (93)

“I was not crossing the same streets as the walkers who were outside that day,
but a slippery, sad and sweet past.”
(Marcel Proust)




Paris 20th

“The walls and the prepared green corners assign new limits
to dreams and to thought.”

(Raoul Vaneigem)




Montreuil (93)

“There is no longer any illusion to the size of our disarray.”
(Raoul Vaneigem)




Paris 14th

“Time stretches, the void threatens.”
(Jean Échenoz)




Paris 14th

“All things derisory or grandiose, forgotten or staged.”
(Emmanuelle Lambert)




Boulogne-sur-Mer (62)

“The reassuring image of everyday life."
(Emmanuelle Lambert)




Paris 19th

Globally totalitarian collective verticality.




Ypres (Belgique)

"He gradually found a metaphysics of refusal."
(Guy Debord)




Paris 14th

"Pure boredom, without passion and well-ordered."
(Le Comité invisible)




Paris 13th

"Right here, nothing will ever happen, and nothing has ever happened."
(Guy Debord)




Stella-Plage (62)

"That is what I am deep down: the guardian of what does not belong to us."
(Laurent Gaude)




Montreuil (93)

"An effective, though discreet, subversion of the meaning specific to the model."
(Daniel Laroche)




Ostende (Belgique)

"Silent blind
She is everywhere similar and empty"

(Paul Éluard)




Ivry-sur-Seine (94)

"This original contingency from which an unpredictable phenomenon has crystallized."
(Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod)

Haute couture - installation de Dimitri Tsykalov




Paris 14th

"The object of a parodic reversal."
(Christine Jérusalem)




Paris 12th

"A space of transition, of an indeterminate edge between life and death."
(Valérie Simonnet)




Strasbourg (67)

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
"In his home of R'lyeh the dead, Cthulhu dreams and waits."
(Howard Phillips Lovecraft)




Paris 3th

« Didn't you see that there was a who-knows-what here that was quite fascinating? »
(Georges Pérec)




Paris 3th

Stay home
« We have undertaken to despair those who considered themselves humans. »
(Guy Debord)




Paris 14th

"(...) conditioning suggestion in the service of any established and future order."
(Raoul Vaneigem)




Baleal (Portugal)

"Disturbing arcade neighborhoods could one day continue, and fulfill the attraction of this work."
(Guy Debord)




Strasbourg (67)

"But all this belongs to an era that is ending, and that no longer interests me."
(Guy Debord)




Paris 14th

"The peaceful coexistence of space."
(Friedrich Hegel)




Paris 4th

Don't shout!!!
"I made her live in this way in insecurity and the most total terror."
(Louis Althusser)




Montreuil (93)

Silence   he kills me
"To satisfy to the end the fascination of the vain cry."
(Georges Pérec)




Strasbourg (67)

"Little by little, it became impossible to exchange a reasonable word with anyone."
(Stefan Zweig)




Montreuil (93)

"Poetry will only survive in its destruction"
(Guy Debord)




Paris 1st

"I have touched everything: fire, women, and apples."
(Charles Cros)




Paris 3th

"I have long sought the waterline of these amphibious bodies."
(Jacques Derrida)




Paris 14th

"The shapeless masses of urban residues."
(Lewis Mumford)




Paris 3th

"The ostentatious consumption of nothingness."
(Guy Debord)




Paris 3th

"In the winter and in the night, we seek our passage."
(Guy Debord)




Fontaines-sur-Saône (69)

"The subject will immediately escape, falling into what must be called a nonsense."
(Sophie Genet)




Bagneux (92)

"Like signposts in ghost towns,
and only the tombs are real."

(Charles Bukowski)




Poigny-la-Forêt (78)

"The place of the signifying overflow
where the illegible can open the possibilities of the readable."

(Sasha Lipovsky)




Lille (59)

"They meet in a museum full of eternal beasts."
(Chris Marker)




Laon (02)

"Everything that was directly experienced
has moved away in a representation."

(Guy Debord)




Paris 6th

"The stratagem of the amnesia of persistences."
(Catherine Malabou)

On screen : "La Brigada", by Bertille Bak




Paris 14th

"It seemed as if people came and went, were born and died,
but that books were eternal."

(Amos Oz)




Paris 19th

“These are territories where no one ever comes.”
(Jean Échenoz)




Paris 19th

Insanity L8
“Flexions of existence that should be understood and questioned.”
(Patrick Colin)




Paris 4th

“The individual’s center of interest shifts from his subjective environment
toward a bland objectivity.”

(Emil Cioran)

Artwork : Poem for Island, by Christian Gudmundsson




Paris 14th

“We had decided that nothing would be defined
Except by the finger placed by chance on the controls of a broken device.”

(Paul Éluard)




Paris 14th

Continuity's solution of of a fortuitous parallelism.




Épernon (28)

“He stumbled at every moment on a word
whose meaning he did not know."

(Georges Pérec)




Paris 14th

"A face similar to all forgotten faces."
(Paul Éluard)




Paris 4th

Always apologize
"But the impossible life, but the stifling mediocrity,
but the absence of passions?"

(Raoul Vaneigem)




Paris 19th

"This something in us that escapes the conjugable."
(Fernand Deligny)




Rambouillet (78)

"For the intelligence of some aspects of the moment."
(Daniel Denevert)




Tourcoing (59)

Beyond the certainties of the world.




Paris 14th

"The poverty of means is responsible for expressing
without embellishment the scandalous beauty of the subject."

(Guy Debord)




Bagneux (92)

Plate tectonics.




Paris 3th

To destroy
"The outline of a solution to the problem of being."
(Jean-Paul Sartre)




Dijon (21)

"It is located in the very place of the writing of the book. On the side of death."
(Annie Ernaux)




Paris 20th

"The dialectic of substitution of satisfaction for the demand of love."
(Jacques Lacan)




Lagny-sur-Marne (77)

"The enigmatic region where essential realities are structured."
(Maurice Corvez)




Paris 14th

State art
"The main goal of the ideology of the ruling class is therefore confusion."
(Guy Debord)




Paris 13th

"All images will disappear."
(Annie Ernaux)




Nanchez (25)

The w*'s castle
"Her long black hair enveloped me like the flag of death."
(Charles Bukowski)




Paris 1st

Fasten your seat belts
"This rare and ever rarer thing: what is worth saying."
(Gilles Deleuze)




Berlin (Allemagne)

"The infra-ordinary in urban course."
(Yvan Chasson)




Châteauneuf-en-Thymerais (28)

"The quest for the acceptable place".
(Raymond Depardon)




Dunkerque (59)

"A dialectic of insolent misunderstanding."
(André Breton)

Portraits : Matali Crasset




Dunkerque (59)

"These people also despised the so-called subjective depth."
(Guy Debord)

Furniture: Matali Crasset




Dunkerque (59)

"A world put into pages by the boredom of its decline."
(Raoul Vaneigem)




Aussois (73)

"A prison of nightmares on the borders of the tangible."




Coimbra (Portugal)

"The lost man who does not know where he is going."
(Charles d'Orléans)




Paris 5th

"Traffic, the supreme stage of urban planning."
(Bulletin of the Internationale Situationniste #6)




Paris 8th

"A staging of the flight of time on a social space condemned to creative renewal."
(Bulletin of the Internationale Situationniste #3)




Lima (Pérou)

"About the misery of men and women and of the doubt that one must have of dying."
(Gautier de Coinci)




Paris 20th

"The putting back in the right place of time itself.
(Jacques Derrida)




La Boissière-École (78)

RIP - For ever
"These transit zones trace an atopic geography where rooting is impossible."
(Christine Jérusalem)




Paris 20th

"Conquering the genealogies of discursive chains."
(Sasha Lipovsky)




Paris 14th

The numerology of ashes.




Paris 20th

"An intense and complex relationship with eternity."
(Emil Cioran)




L'Île d'Olonne (85)

"History, this little cesspool where man likes to wade."
(Francis Ponge)




Nanteuil (77)

"That's what life is, a bit of light that ends in the night."
(Louis-Ferdinand Céline)




Lille (59)

“The dissolution of the individual self in the amorphous gregarious.”
(Mario Vargas Llosa)




Dourdan (91)

“The immobile juxtaposition of identities, petrified life.”
(Daniel Denevert)




Paris 14th

A strategy of confinement.




Paris 14th

“Our lens has captured for you some aspects of a provisional micro-society.”
(Guy Debord)




Paris 13th

To taste is to share
“The indigestible remains of the spectacle orgy.”
(L'Observatoire Situationniste)




Paris 14th

“The palpitations of these vanished lives.”
(Emmanuelle Lambert)




Paris 14th

The tiny traces of consumerist drinking binges.




Paris 3th

"Thus, all passions and all activities are swallowed up in greed."
(Karl Marx)




Paris 3th

"The affirmation of the impossibility of pure immanence."
(Adrian Wohlleben)




Tourcoing (59)

"The search for temporal points where coherence has been broken."
(Sasha Lipovsky)




Paris 9th

Very fragiles - Do not touch
"The insinuating labyrinthine circuit where we walked with a somnambulant step."
(Georges Pérec)




Paris 3th

"Another space at the crossroads of the topographical and the narrative."
(Christine Jérusalem)




Aussois (73)

0h15   The middle's crossing
"Such places do not exist, and it is because they do not exist
that space becomes a question."

(Georges Pérec)




Paris 5th

The incompleteness of parallel utilitarianisms.




Paris 6th

"At the beginning of this story,
there were people made to forget it."

(Guy Debord)




Paris 14th

"Elective affinities."
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)




Rambouillet (78)

The bogging down of vegetal mobilities.




Les Sables d'Olonne (85)

About the electrification of good feelings.




Domptin (02)

"The dream is always ahead of life."
(Louis Althusser)




Rambouillet (78)

"In a corner, the green car of summer
Motionless glorious and forever"

(Paul Éluard)




Gâvres (56)

The wait for the illusory adversary.




Plage de Kerminihy (56)

Fugitive reconstruction of a Euclidean space-time.




Berck-sur-Mer (62)

"Abominable deserted houses
Poor houses                       
Houses like empty books"

(Paul Éluard)




Cayeux-sur-Mer (80)

The extension of indefinite territories.




Arcachon (33)

Collapse - Danger
The time of the finite world begins.
(Paul Valéry)




Sermaise (91)

"But it is here that at this moment
Our journeys begin and end"

(Paul Éluard)


Without dreams and without reality,
To the pictures we are condemned
(Raoul Vaneigem)


T o   t h e   h o m e   p a g e